Aundrea Barnhart

Aundrea Barnhart is having her 1st treatment for Lyme disease on Wed. 7-24. Please pray that it will go well for her & it will work.

Jul-19 / last prayer 3h ago
Aundrea Barnhart

Aundrea Barnhart completed her 1st Lyme disease treatment. It went well & she should start seeing results soon. As it works she may have some rough days. Next treatment will be in about 6 months. Thx

Jul-24 / last prayer 3h ago
mother Sally, step-father Dick, Ted

My mom “Sally,” a staunch believer, now has debilitating dementia. Please pray for her healing & comfort as her world gets confusing. Also, pls pray for God’s wisdom for us as we adapt to her changes.

Jul-24 / last prayer 3h ago

Cooper asks for prayers for his family. They are going through a difficult period. Please pray for wisdom and courage as they navigate this challenging time.

Jul-21 / last prayer 3h ago
Jennifer York

My sister needs prayers as she was let go after 17 years as hospit nurse due to cancer status. She is working on healthcare insurance transition , pending SSDI and all the changes associated with it.

Jul-24 / last prayer 3h ago
Mike Devis

There is a new reason to pray for my friend in Belarus. He is now asking me for $1,000. In other words, he is a scammer. Whoever this is deserves salvation, too. I have shared with him John 3:16.

Jul-26 / last prayer 3h ago

Following the CIY conference, we ask for prayers to help us continue implementing practical actions that allow us to serve others, show love, and deepen our relationship with God.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago
Connor Driskill

Connor, my great grandson is having wisdom teeth removed today. Please pray for successful surgery and recovery

Jul-24 / last prayer 3h ago
Rose Miller

Rose asks for prayers for her dad and stepmom, their relationship, and the overall family dynamic.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago

Logan wishes to pray for those carrying heavy burdens in their hearts and struggling silently, who have not yet come forward for support.

Jul-22 / last prayer 3h ago
Mike Devis

I have a social media friend in Belarus who has been called by his country to fight against Ukraine. He is not a believer and is scared to death. Please join me in prayer for him.

Jul-25 / last prayer 3h ago